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Get Your Hands Back on the Controls: All-In August #3 S11E9

Get Your Hands Back on the Controls: All-In August #3

· 23:01

It's All-In August!

Today, a conversation about what happens when your life hits a massive pothole. We include a few stories about people who are doing remarkable things in their lives and for others after they have gone through massive things.

Dana Gage and The LV Project
Jill and Brad Sullivan's ministry While We're Waiting
Kristin Smedley's incredible story and work

Scriptures: Joshua 3:5, II Peter 1:3
Are you with us? Send a voicemail and let us know who you are, where you live, and that you're All-In!

Books: All In, by Mark Batterson, Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield, Hope Is the First Dose by me, and The Practice by Seth Godin

Follow me @drleewarren on Instagram for daily inspiration. 

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Other Helpful Links:
Be sure to check out my new book, Hope Is the First Dose!
Here's a free 5-day Bible study on YouVersion/BibleApp based on my new book!
  • (00:00) - Introduction and Self-Brain Surgery Saturday
  • (01:06) - Taking the Leap: Going All In
  • (01:14) - Sharing the Mission: Building Community
  • (02:46) - Dive into Self-Brain Surgery: Newsletter Details
  • (04:51) - Spreading the Mission: Paid Subscriber Program
  • (05:56) - Three Steps to Empowerment: Share, Subscribe, Read
  • (06:10) - The Car Crash Analogy: Understanding Trauma
  • (08:20) - The Steamroller Scenario: Regaining Control
  • (14:57) - Inspiring Stories of Overcoming Tragedy
  • (19:24) - Avoiding Being Defined by Trauma
  • (21:28) - Embracing Change in All in August

View episode transcript


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