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Identity Or Insight? All-In August #5 S11E11

Identity Or Insight? All-In August #5

· 33:29


Good morning, my friend. Dr. Lee Warren here with you, and I am so excited and

grateful to be doing All In August in 2024 with you.

This is day number five. It's All In August, and it's Mind Change Monday.

We're going to smash those together today.

And I'm going to bring you back part of an episode from last year on the sixth

day of August. It turned out to be a Sunday.

We had a talk about identity or insight, and I'm going to set this up for you

a little bit differently this year. we're going to play part of that episode.

I'm going to give you some new material on the front and back end,

but I want to get you this idea that if you want to go all in,

you have to recognize that you've gotten to some place in your life where you

said, something's not working.

So something isn't happening for me the way I want it to.

And you can apply this wherever your spiritual life, your relationship,

your marriage, your family, your ability to break certain habits or overcome

certain addictions or certain places in your life where you're stuck.

If you've been been through some massive thing and you've been grieving and

you just can't seem to heal and you seem to be ruminating and your life seems

to be becoming defined by that thing that's happened,

some trauma that you've been through, some tragedy that's occurred,

and you just can't seem to make progress in going forward,

then it's time to go all in.

Maybe it's time to make a change, okay?

Maybe there's some tools that we can give you with self-brain surgery to learn

how to to think differently about the thing that you've been through,

about the situation that you can't seem to quite make progress,

traction, action. You can't get satisfaction anymore.

And it's time to change. One of the things that makes us stuck,

I think, is when we fail to recognize that we have mind down control over our brain and our body.

We start to absorb this idea from culture that our brains are a certain way,

and that means our life has to be a certain way.

And we hear a lot in our culture right now about our identity,

my personality. You do you. This is my truth.

And we see that play out in certain ways. People take personality tests to find

out how they are, and then they use that to bludgeon other people.

You have to do this because that's how I am. You have to accommodate me.

You have to accept this about me. And I just want to tell you, that's great.

It's great to know how you're wired. It's great to know what your baseline is.

It's great Passionately, let me just say this to you.

Just knowing all that stuff about yourself and building a life where you defend

that and you defend certain behaviors or certain attitudes or certain ways that

you're living by justifying them because this is my identity.

This is how I'm wired. This is my personality disorder.

This is my genetic starting point. I am ADHD.

I am neurodivergent. I am Enneagram 6. If you start to use that as a method

of defending certain places in which you're stuck, you're not going to be able to break through.

You're going to find limits on your life if you can't recognize that identity

is not as important as recreation.

Let me say that again. Identity is not as important as recreation.

What do I mean by that? We're going to talk about that in this episode.

The Bible says that when you follow Christ, for example, you die to yourself,

and he creates you as a new person.

He says, I can change your mind, and you can use your new transformed mind to

rewire your brain, to make structural changes in your brain.

You don't have to be stuck. And

so I just want you to nudge this idea of identity into insight instead.

If you understand how your brain's starting point is, if you understand how

your brain is going to throw information up towards your mind,

if you understand that you're going to have a bend towards seeing things in a certain way,

that insight can become an incredible ally to you because you can say,

okay, no, here we go again.

My brain's trying to tell me that I have to be anxious about this.

My brain's trying to tell me that I can't succeed here because of how I'm wired.

I'm going to remember that I can exert top-down control here.

I'm going to remember that I have the mind of Christ. I'm going to remember

that I have a renewed mind.

I'm going to remember that my mind has the ability to make structural changes,

to rewire my brain, to change the neurotransmitter levels, to rewire even switching

jeans on and off. I don't have to live this way.

I can have insight, but I don't have to be identified by this thing anymore.

I'm ready to go all in with a renewed and transformed mind.

We're doing All In August, and the textbook for All In August is our amazing

guide, Mark Batterson's book, All In.

But Mark wrote another book that has a really helpful idea here.

He wrote wrote a book called Play the Man, and it's aimed at men.

It's about how men can live the life they're called to. And if you're a man

reading this, or if you've got sons, or you have a husband who's stuck in some

way, Play the Man would be helpful.

Okay. But he talks in Play the Man about this idea of making decisions against yourself.

And that's something that's relevant to all of us. Okay. If you want to make

some changes, I'm just telling you, you're going to come to a place where your

flesh, your heart, your life, your past history, your personality,

your baseline line personality, your whatever you want to call it,

your identity, if you will, is going to fight you on making these changes.

And you're going to say to yourself, maybe I just can't change.

Maybe this is just how I am.

But if you're going to make changes, my friend, you're going to have to do some battle with yourself.

And sometimes that means deciding against yourself to say, this is the time

of day when I usually open the bag of Cheetos.

This is when I reach for the corkscrew and open a bottle of wine.

This is the time when I turn on the television instead of reading something

that could help me grow or learn and change in some way.

This is the time when I turn on pornography instead of going to try to fix my

marriage. This is the time when I do X, Y, or Z.

This is when my body and my brain and my heart tell me that I want certain things

and I have to decide, do I want the new all-in life that I'm going for,

that I'm dreaming about, that

I really wish I could have, that I wake up tomorrow and say, not again,

I messed up again, I really, I didn't make any progress yesterday,

I've wasted all this opportunity, or do I want to anesthetize myself again?

Do I want to give in to the way it's been? in.

Just remember, you can't change your life until you change your mind.

And what got you here won't get you there.

So what are some decisions today, friend, on this fifth day of all in August?

What are some decisions that you need to start making against yourself if you

want yourself to have a different outcome tomorrow than you had today?

If you want all in August to end without you saying, it's just like last year,

I ended up in the same spot all over again.

What are some decisions that you need to make against yourself.

And this is not necessarily negative. We're not talking necessarily about sin

or addictions or anything necessarily bad.

But you have to remember that there's a book called The One Thing by Gary Keller.

I think it's his name. Yeah, Gary Keller.

The One Thing. He says, every time you say yes to something,

you have to say no a thousand times to defend that yes.

Like you've got to learn this holy no. We stop saying yes to everything.

So So sometimes making decisions against yourself is just to recognize that

you have this personality of always saying yes to everybody,

of never being willing to say no.

And then you regret it and you do it half-heartedly or you back out at the last

minute and you hurt people, mess people up because you said you would do something

and you didn't because you didn't just say no in the first place.

Sometimes that's a decision against yourself.

Would you rather hurt somebody's feelings for a second right now or really mess

up your whole program, your whole plan, your whole path because you said yes to so many things?

What are some things you could say no to yourself about if you want to change

your mind and change your life, if you want to go all the way in?

What are some decisions you could make against yourself? So that's the backdrop.

We're going to go into this episode from last year now, where we talked about

identity versus insight.

And I think it'll be helpful to you. Just think about some things,

maybe take a piece of paper and write down what are some decisions. If I want,

September 1st to look different in 2024 than it did in 2023.

If I want to say, you know what, I did it. I went all in. And I can see this incredible progress.

What are some decisions you might need to make against yourself if you want

to end up in a better place for yourself?

If you want to love tomorrow more, if you want to stop paying tomorrow taxes,

if you want to stop treating a bad feeling with a bad operation,

if you want to wind up in September timber in a different place than you did

at the end of July, what are some decisions that you need to start making,

perhaps against yourself even?

To get there, I think we need to think a little bit about insight or identity.

So let's get after it now. A listener named Burva wrote in yesterday.

I don't know where she's from, but check this out. Dr. Warren, love listening.

If I would like your opinion, please, about personality traits and types and

the assessments that are used to identify those.

I have used assessments, Myers-Briggs, Clifton, StrengthFinders, etc.

For years for myself and for college students I was working with.

I have always found these assessments to be pretty accurate and very helpful

both in relationships and understanding our strengths and in part for evaluating career choices.

First, what is your opinion of assessments like this? Are they supporting theories?

Are the supporting theories obsolete? Next, as a strong feeler,

as identified by assessments and my own experiences, I find it challenging to manage those feelings.

In fact, I feel led by feelings quite often. I am proud of being intuitive and empathetic.

Traits that I believe are driven by being a feeler. As I listen to All in August,

I feel challenged and curious about successfully doing self-brain surgery.

It seems almost impossible for a natural feeler.

Thoughts? So hey, thanks for this email. This is a great email and it's exactly

the kind of stuff we're getting at, okay?

When you talk about being a natural feeler, for example, I'm really glad you

brought this up because we're always talking about how feelings Feelings aren't

facts, feelings aren't facts.

And the truth is that some people.

Are more naturally prone to having strong emotion.

And that strong emotion can sometimes lead us into believing things that may

or may not necessarily be true or feeling nobody else understands us or nobody

else gets it or nobody else sees who we really are.

We can be sometimes, like you said, led by our feelings and we have to be careful with that.

And the idea of personality types and personality tests is super important.

In fact, every psychologist would probably recommend putting patience through

those to help us to understand the basis of how we're wired.

God made us all in his image and he made us all with our own personality and

our own strengths and weaknesses.

And the thing about personality tests, and for Christians, a lot of people use

one called the Enneagram.

And you'll see if you go on social media, people actually posting.

So I would say two things. One, the more liberal Christians or some of the non-Christian

in folks, if you scroll through their Instagram or their Twitter or their Facebook profiles,

you'll see a lot of people that are posting some really personal information

about themselves in their profile.

So you'll say John Smith, he slash him, Enneagram 8, Myers-Briggs, blah, blah, blah.

You know, they'll list all these things that we're supposed to know about them

up front before we interact with them.

And they're supposed to, those things are supposed to tell us how we're we're

supposed to interact with those people, right?

So the thing is that we're posting information about ourselves almost as a way

to say, hey, this is how I am.

You should watch how you behave around me because this is what I expect from you.

I expect you to interact with me in accordance with my personality type.

So sometimes that can become a problem, though, because we're not just informing

people, but we're almost warning people.

Because for many of us, I think, sometimes the personality type becomes something

that we use to defend our actions and defend our behavior rather than giving insight into it.

So the two words I want to give you today are insight versus identity.

You hear a lot about identity today in the media and in our culture.

There are a lot of people talking about this is my identity or that's my identity.

This is how I feel. You have to watch out for me, okay?

And I would just suggest that as Christians, we need to filter what we learn

about ourselves from personality types, what we learn about ourselves from standardized testing,

what we decide we feel about ourselves from whatever it might be,

whatever aspect of your personality,

your identity, your thought processes about yourself.

We all have to put all of that on the altar of serving Christ, okay?

Because the fact is, God did make us all in his image, and he did make us all

with unique personalities and unique ways to look at the world and how we feel

about ourselves and all those things,

and unique ways in how we process emotion and how we come up with thought processes.

All those are unique. But also, God called all of us to deny ourselves and take

up his cross and follow him.

Check out what Jesus said to the disciples in Luke 9.

He's starting in verse 23. He said this, then he said to all of them,

whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.

What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet lose or forfeit their very self?

And check out 2 Corinthians chapter 5, starting at 14.

Paul says, for Christ's love compels us because we are convinced that one One

died for all, and therefore all died.

And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves.

But for him who died for them and was raised again.

The thing is, if we serve Christ, he's not just our Savior. He didn't just wipe

the slate clean and we get to go on.

And Mark Patterson said, are we following him or is he following us?

Hey, thanks for saving me.

Follow me into this lifestyle that I've chosen. Or follow me into this set of

feelings that I want to make sure everybody else honors and makes me feel good about how I am.

Make sure that Jesus follows us. And that's not what he says.

If anybody wants to follow me, you must deny yourself and follow me.

Take up your cross and follow me. So here's the thing for him.

Here's what I'm getting at.

We can choose to let personality types give us insight into our baseline of

how we're wired so that we can use that information to make better choices going forward.

Hey, I know I'm vulnerable to this. I know I tend to get tripped up by how I

feel about these things.

I need to watch out for these situations where my emotions are high.

I need to watch out for places where I tend to fall into certain thought patterns and traps.

And that throws me off and I get offended. And every time I do that,

this happens with my husband.

We get in this fight because I'm offended and I can't hear anything beyond that.

Or every time he says that, I feel this. And then I say that and then he feels

that and it turns into this. if you have insight into your personality type,

you can say, you know what?

I need to arm myself with a little thought or a little prayer or a little meditation

or a little reading or a little worship music or something before I go into

those situations because I know that's going to trip my personality.

I need to be prepared for that. So you can use them for insight.

If you're Enneagram 6, and that means you tend to think and feel these certain

ways, you can use it for insight or you can use it for identity.

So instead of saying, hey, I need to watch out. I need to be careful.

I need to be wise. I need to be thoughtful and careful about how my personality

tends to lead me into certain patterns and behaviors and thoughts.

Or you can say, you know what? This is how I am.

And everybody needs to bend the knee to my feelings because that's just how

it is. I'm made that way. And God made me this way.

And you better watch out because if you don't honor how I feel or how I look

or how I am wired, then you're injuring me.

You're attacking me because that's how I am.

So I would just submit to you, friend, that personality tests can be extremely

useful in identifying our strengths and our weaknesses, not just our strengths,

but our potential vulnerabilities. Think about superheroes.

So the old classic Superman always has a kryptonite.

There's always a weakness that the superhero has, a vulnerability lurking out

there somewhere that's going to trip them up. Even the Superman can't behave

or perform in a super way when that vulnerability is exposed, right?

So I feel, to answer your question, it's a long-winded way to answer your question,

I feel like it's great to understand, to use those assessments to help us understand

how we're built and how we're wired and how we think and how we feel.

But I do not use them and I do not encourage people to use them to manipulate

other people into behaving differently so as to not offend our sensibilities

built around our personality type.

Does that make sense? So I guess the long-winded answer to your question is

yes, sometimes these things can lead us into almost having our feelings hurt

or being offended or outraged on a a constant basis.

Or they can give us insight in how to navigate the world in a more wise way,

how to take those things that we learn from our personalities and say,

you know what, I'm going to put this on the altar, but God gave me these things

because I'm supposed to use them for his glory.

And there's some ways in which my particular personality can help a group navigate

a situation or can help my family or can help me have empathy for other people

or can help me to lead my family in a better way or to lead my business in a better way.

If you understand how you are, you can use those gifts of what God made you

in his image as ways to honor him.

Or you can take them and internalize them and say, nope, this is who I am,

and I'm gonna put a wall around anybody who tries to act like my feelings aren't

as important as theirs, because that's how I am.

Insight or identity, those are the two ways that I would look at,

two ways that I would look at it. I wanna throw you one more scripture.

Galatians 5, 22 and 23 says, what does it look like if the Holy Spirit is living inside you?

So we understand if we accept Christ, we get the gift of the Holy Spirit and

he's supposed to be inside us,

helping us to help us calm our mind, help us have power and direction and purpose

and sometimes even to help us know what to pray when we're devastated, when life is hard.

And God says, Paul says in Galatians 5, and God inspired him to write this,

that when the Holy Spirit's inside someone, one, the life will bear fruit in certain ways.

And the fruit of the Spirit, so the evidence that you have the Holy Spirit inside

you is this bunch of character traits that God calls the fruit of the Spirit.

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness, and self-control.

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness, and self-control.

Those are character traits and qualities that someone will have if they have

the Holy Spirit inside them.

Okay. The last one is self-control.

Now, growing up, this one was used in my church, which was a pretty legalistic,

fundamentalist type upbringing.

Self-control was always taught and used as a way to, okay, if you have self-control,

if you have the fruit of the Spirit, then you don't drink and you don't smoke

and you don't cuss and you don't have premarital sex, and for goodness sake, she don't dance.

The reason the church is against premarital sex is because it leads to dancing.

That's a joke. But really, there was all these things that you don't do because that's self-control.

That's what we were taught. And it's true. Self-control clearly is about not

doing certain things with yourself, with your body.

But I would suggest to us that most of the teachings of Jesus are more nuanced

than they they appear to be on the surface.

Jesus would come and say, hey, you Pharisees, the Old Testament law says you're

not supposed to commit adultery. So you guys are perfect.

You're not out there committing adultery. That makes you feel holy.

But I say to you, if you look at a woman lustfully in your heart,

you've already committed adultery.

The word says, the Old Testament law says don't commit murder.

I say to you, if you hate your brother, you've already committed murder in your

heart. Jesus raises, he takes it up a notch.

He makes it more nuanced and more difficult and more about our heart,

more about what's inside us.

So if we say the fruit of the Spirit is self-control, and Jesus would come and

say, hey, you're doing a good job.

You're not at the bars every night, you're not gambling, you're not putting

a needle in your arm, you're not watching pornography, you're not doing all these things.

On the surface, the outside of your cup looks pretty good, but what about your heart?

Jesus would raise that question. What about your heart?

Are you a slave to your feelings? Are you protecting and walling off certain

aspects of your life from me, from my lordship,

because you have taken some tests that told you this is who you are and you're

going to protect that at all costs and you're going to be offended if anybody challenges it?

What if self-control is also about learning how to get our minds under control,

about being willing to open the door to some parts of our heart and spirit that

we thought couldn't be changed because that's just who we are.

But we forgot that if we're going to come to him, the old has to get gone.

We get buried in baptism and the old self dies and we were raised a new creation in his image.

And he says, if you want to come to me, you must deny yourself and take up your cross.

So there's sometimes, I would just submit, there's sometimes when God asks us

to put our own personality and our own feelings and our own baselines on his

cross and let him give us a new way to feel.

In the book All In, chapter 16, the idol that provokes jealousy.

If you're reading the book, I would just spend an hour or so in chapter 16.

There's this weird verse in Ezekiel 8.3 that says, The Spirit lifted me up between

earth and heaven and in visions of God he took me to Jerusalem to the entrance

of the north gate of the inner court where the idol that provokes to jealousy stood.

There was an idol in this gate to the inner court that made God jealous when

he saw it because people were worshiping that idol and not him.

It turns out it was a sex goddess. It was a fertility goddess.

And God basically was jealous that people were worshiping the created thing more than the creator.

And Mark Batterson writes this incredible chapter. And I'm just gonna read you

a little bit of it. God is not jealous of anything.

He can't be. The Almighty is all sufficient, but the creator is jealous for

everything Because it all belongs to Him.

He's not jealous of anything, but He's jealous for everything.

Because it all belongs to Him. Every blade of grass, every drop of water,

every grain of sand, in the timeless words of Abraham Kuyper,

there is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which

Christ, who is sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine.

Everything was created by Him and for Him. And that includes you,

all of you. There never has been and never will be anyone like you.

And that isn't a testament to you. It's a testament to the God who created you.

And that means no one can worship God like you or for you.

You are absolutely irreplaceable in God's grand scheme.

And God is jealous for you, all of you.

Every thought, every desire, every dream, every word, every moment.

He is the one who causes your synapses to fire. He's the one who conceives desires

within your hearts of hearts, your heart of hearts.

He is the dream giver. He is the word. He is the one who measures your days.

It's all from him and for him.

That's why he's jealous.

And that's why all in and all out is the baseline. That's why he will settle

for nothing less than all in and all out.

The character of God is revealed by the names of God. There are more than 400

names for God, and each one reveals a dimension of who he is.

One of those was revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai.

Do not worship any other God, for the Lord whose name is Jealous is a jealous

God. Did you catch the double emphasis?

Listen, God isn't just jealous. He is doubly jealous.

And when God says something more than once, you need to think twice about what it means.

You don't belong to God once. You belong to God twice.

Once by virtue of creation, twice by virtue of redemption.

He gave us life via creation, and we were dead in our sin. He gave us eternal life via redemption.

We don't owe him one life. We owe him two lives.

And that's why God is doubly jealous.

Listen, friend, God isn't jealous of things.

He's jealous for things. He created you, your personality type,

your unique personhood.

And God is jealous because he wants you to use those aspects of the character

and nature that he gave you for his glory, to use your identity to serve him.

He wants to give you insight into how he made you, but not to have you wall

it off and use it to fight your own battles or to make other people bend a knee to the God of you.

So the question is answered, I think, fairly simply in the idea that God wants

us to understand how he made us, but we're willing to put all of those things

on the altar for him when our personality conflicts his calling.

That's what I would say. Very useful tools, very incredibly helpful,

but for insight and not identity. Listen, there's one last thing from Mark Batterson's

chapter that he says, and I think it's brilliant.

He talks about how the key to identifying your idols, if you have idolatry in

your heart, none of us...

None of us probably have a carved idol in our closet. People used to actually

do that. None of us probably do.

But after revealing what was in the hidden rooms, Ezekiel encountered one more

idol at the entrance of the north gate of the temple.

He saw women mourning a god called Tammuz, the Babylonian fertility god of spring.

The key word is mourning. They were mourning this god.

If you want to identify your idols, Mark Batterson says, reverse engineer your

emotions. Follow the trail of your tears or fears, your cheers or jeers.

And if you follow it all the way to the trailhead, you'll come face to face

with the idols in your life.

So this is God. Tammuz was an idol for them. But what makes you really mad or

really sad or really glad?

What ruins your day or makes your day? What triggers your strongest emotional reaction?

Listen to this paragraph from Mark Batterson.

The indictment against the Israelites

isn't just that they were having an emotional affair with a false god.

What's even worse is that they were flatlined in their feelings toward the god

who created them with an amygdala, a part of your brain in the medial temporal

lobe that manages your emotions.

If your deepest feelings are reserved for something other than the almighty

god, then that something other is an emotional idol. Chris Hodges,

our old pastor in Alabama, used to come on Sunday mornings.

And deep South Alabama is a football powerhouse, right?

You got Auburn and LSU and Alabama in the area, Georgia in the area,

lots of big football fans. And it's a big deal.

He would come on Sunday morning and then we'd play a worship song and he would

get everybody to cheer and stand on their feet and praise God.

And then he would say, never give more praise on Saturday to your football team

than you're willing to give on Sunday to your God. Be more excited about God

and worshiping him than you were about the touchdown that Georgia scored yesterday.

He's just saying God's jealous of our affection. God's jealous of our heart.

He's jealous of our emotional state.

And he's jealous of our personality type, right?

So please don't think anything I'm saying here is harsh. I'm just saying these

tests can be extremely useful.

They're great for employers to understand how their employees are wired.

But in terms of your walk in your life and how you live your life and how happy you are,

really, you're going to be happier by being willing

to understand those things and sometimes sacrificing them

to him to say I understand that I

tend to get really emotional about this type of interaction with

other people and I need to learn how to control that because that doesn't look

very much like Jesus when I blow up about those things I need to learn how to

have insight into my personality so I can use it to help other people and look

more like Jesus and magnify his name and feel happier and be better in my life.

So I can use it to help me do self-brain surgery, to get things under control,

so I'm not led around by this emotional ring in my nose like a bull.

But I can rather navigate my life in a way that makes an impact and a difference

when I also finish the days with a greater sense of peace and understanding

that I did a good job today and I wasn't spending all day just fired up about

how somebody didn't honor my personality type. time.

My two words, insight and identity. If you're willing to go all in with God,

you're going to have to be willing to deny yourself and take up your cross.

And sometimes that takes willingness even to change how we interact with our

own baseline personality type and emotional traits.

Sometimes we just have to go all in and give it to him because we don't want to make God jealous.

Of the very thing that he gave us to honor him with. So I hope that's a long-winded

answer to your question, but I hope it's helpful.

That's my take on it. I think they can be incredibly useful,

but for insight and not for identity.

For tools to help us navigate our life, not weapons to help beat other people

into compliance with how we want to feel or how we think we're supposed to be

interacted with based on our feelings aren't facts, they're chemical events.

We don't have to believe every thought that's in our head and we need to relentlessly

refuse to participate in our own demise or that of others.

So if we want to be good self-brain surgeons, we have to honor the way God made our brains, yes.

We have to honor the way God made our personalities, yes.

But we also have to be willing to deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow

him because when he makes us a new creation, the old is gone and the new has come.

And those things that he gave us that are evidence of the fruit of the spirit

inside of us, one of them is self-control. and that means controlling our inner self too.

Even when it makes us emotional, even when it makes us upset,

even when people hurt our feelings, we have to learn how to use that to still

push glory towards him and honor towards him because that's how we find true happiness.

And the good news, friend, is you can start today. That was good.

We got to make some decisions about identity or insight.

We got to make some decisions against ourself, perhaps.

What are those things for you today, friend? Write them down. Now, do me a favor.

Share this with your friends, okay? The downloads are going nuts this month.

You're getting all in. The community's building steam. I can feel it.

And today, let's try to get to 10,000 downloads.

Let's try to get 10,000 people to listen to this episode.

If we're going to do that, you're going to have to share it with four or five

people, okay? Take a second.

Copy the link. Text it to somebody and say, hey, go all in with me.

We've talked about this. I know you're trying to make some changes.

I know you want to do this. Let's do it together. Let's go all in.

Download this episode. Listen to it today. Let's talk about it tonight.

Text me with what you thought about it. What are some decisions you can make against yourself?

Send it to five or ten friends today. Just take that time and do it.

And if you're not subscribed to the newsletter, please join us in the newsletter community.

We do deep dive into self-brain surgery every Sunday since 2014. 14.

DrLeeWarren.substack.com is the newsletter. DrLeeWarren.substack.com.

Sign up for it. It's free.

It'll really help you, okay? And we'll be more connected.

We can communicate. We can talk about things on a deeper level, okay?

So do me the favor of sharing this episode right now. Send it to somebody that

you care about and say, hey, friend, let's go all in together and let's see what happens.

I want people all over the world to go all in, and I know you do too.

And so let's share it. Let's get it out there.

Let's make it happen. Listen, make some decisions against yourself today,

Don't think that you're bound by your identity because your mind is in control

of your brain and you can change it It can give you deep insight to understand

where you start But you're not

obligated to behave the way you've always behaved because you know what?

You can change your mind and you can change your life my friend and the good

news is you can start today and.

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