It's All-In August!
When Trouble Comes, You Fall to the Level of Your Preparation
That includes the way you view God's role in suffering. Here's a new thought from Job, and a couple of insights that will help you when trauma, tragedy, and other massive things (TMTs) strike.
(Adapted and expanded from S9E75 Get a Good Theology Around Suffering)
When hard times come, you will be overwhelmed with doubt, fear, and you'll be unsure of what to do next. Unless, that is, you have a good theology in place to answer the inevitable "why" questions. This episode will help you get your head on straight when life hurts.
Scripture: Job 23:8-9, Psalm 139, Psalm 121, Psalm 29, Psalm 143, Romans 12:2, II Corinthians 10:5
Scripture for the Month: II Corinthians 5:14-17, Luke 9:23-25, Galatians 5:22-23, I Corinthians
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Other Helpful Links:
- (00:00) - Introduction to Suffering
- (06:03) - The Concept of Prehab
- (08:08) - Bad Theology Around Suffering
- (17:27) - What Now?
- (22:12) - David's Struggles with God
- (28:59) - Searching for Truth in Suffering