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Resilience S10E


· 31:13

It's Mind Change Monday!

Lisa and I will be at the First Presbyterian Church in Bonita Springs, Florida tonight! Come by if you're in the area, and we can sign a book and say hello The event starts at 5:30 PM Eastern.
You can also watch it live by clicking this link!

Today, a plan for what to do when life thrown The Massive Thing at you. (Throwback travel episode)

Here's how to develop a plan so that you're more resilient to life's troubles, starting today.

Scripture: Ephesians 4, Philippians 4:6-8, Romans 12:2

Click here to access the Hope Is the First Dose playlist of hopeful, healing songs!

Be sure to check out my new book, Hope Is the First Dose!

Here's a free 5-day Bible study on YouVersion/BibleApp based on my new book!

Sign up for my weekly Self-Brain Surgery Newsletter here!

PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to the show wherever you listen!

Music by Tommy Walker
(Music shared on The Dr. Lee Warren Podcast is authorized under BMI license #61063253 and ASCAP license #400010513 )

Check out my article on Psychology Today!

This is a great conversation about self-brain surgery with Susie Larson
  • (00:01) - Introduction
  • (18:58) - Harnessing Neuroplasticity
  • (24:05) - Mastering Self-Brain Surgery

View episode transcript


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