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Think About Your Thoughts (Frontal Lobe Friday) S10E95

Think About Your Thoughts (Frontal Lobe Friday)

· 39:37


Hey, Lisa. Hey, Lee. It's good to see you today.

It's good to see you, too. Will you help me with something? Of course.

I can't remember what day it is. It's Frontal Lobe Friday.

Good morning, my friend. Dr. Lee Warren here with you on Frontal Lobe Friday.

Boy, I'm having a hard time this morning. I've been sneezing my head off,

and I can barely get my voice clear enough to talk to you.

But I got an important message for you today. We got to talk about something.

I'm concerned about what you might be concerned about.

I've been hearing all kinds of people talk about how concerned they are about

artificial intelligence.

No matter where you look right now, you seem to be hearing all these people

so worried about artificial intelligence and how the robots are going to take

over and all that kind of stuff. And what's going to happen with computers getting smarter? harder.

And I'm just here to tell you today that you and me are already dealing with

a significant problem of artificial intelligence, but it's not what you think.

We're going to deal with that today. And I want you to stop worrying about artificial intelligence.

I'm going to help you learn how to become healthier and feel better and be happier.

But my friend, it's going to require some self brain surgery.

If you want to get that done, you got to stop worrying about artificial intelligence

and you got to recognize what's already happening.

And you got to remember that you are a self-brain surgeon.

You were already performing self-brain surgery. You are not a victim of the

neural processes happening in your brain.

You are rather able to control them. And no matter what happens in your life,

what kind of trauma or drama or massive thing or other issue that you're going

through, you can change your mind about it.

And you can learn to see things from a different perspective and you can stop

being a victim of the traumas and the issues in your life and you can start

living in an empowered state, regardless of your belief system,

regardless of what you've been through, you don't have to suffer anymore,

friend, because you can change your mind and you can change your life.

But before you can do any of that, I need you to answer one question.

Hey, are you ready to change your life? If the answer is yes, there's only one rule.

You have to change your mind first. And my friend, there's a place where the

neuroscience of how your mind works, smashes together with faith,

and everything starts to make sense. Are you ready to change your life?

Well, this is the place, Self-Brain Surgery School.

I'm Dr. Lee Warren, and this is where we go deep into how we're wired,

take control of our thinking, and find real hope.

This is where we learn to become healthier, feel better, and be happier.

This is where we leave the past behind and transform our minds.

This is where we start Are you ready? This is your podcast.

This is your place. This is your time, my friend. Let's get after it.


All right, let's get after it. Hey, everybody's talking about artificial intelligence these days.

And if you haven't thought about it much, good for you. But there's all kinds

of people that are concerned.

There's all these experts saying that the computers are going to take over and

it's going to turn into the matrix and all these things are happening.

I just want to tell you today, you don't need to be concerned about that. I'll tell you why.

I've been experimenting with this app called ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is free. There's paid versions, but there's a free version.

Basically, you can go in and type in a question or put in some information or upload a document.

You can ask the computer, ChatGPT, to help you write things or interact with

things or learn things or ask it to compare one thing versus another, and it will help you.

And I've been using it actually lately for quite a bit of research because it's

amazing how much better it is. I can go in Google, for example,

or a search engine, and I can type in something like, how does consciousness

relate to quantum physics?

Sounds like a really weird thing, but that's a pretty typical thing that I ponder

in the morning at three in the morning.

I know that's really weird, but I can say that, and Google will give me a whole

bunch of websites that I can click through and read and spend hours trying to

find something relevant. Some of it might matter and some of it might not.

But ChatGPT is more like conversing with a person.

You say, hey, I'm concerned or I'm interested in consciousness,

and I think it might relate to quantum physics, and I think it might relate

to this verse in the Bible, and I think it might relate to this psychologist,

William James, from the 19th century, and what do you think about that?

Am I on the right trail? Is this stuff related?

What should I think about it? I can type in something like that and hit return,

and within about two seconds, Chat at GBT will give me not a bunch of websites

to look at, but a conversation.

It'll say, yeah, you know, William James wrote this in the 19th century and

Henry Stapp said this, quantum physicist Werner Heisenberg said this,

and those could relate to this verse in the Bible that you mentioned.

And here's five points on how they might be related to one another.

And I think you're on the right track and this might make an interesting paper.

And I think, and I'll say sometimes like, has there been anything else that

you can find, anybody else writing about something like this with these six

things that they're concerned about, that in other words, should I spend my

time writing this or has it already been done a million times?

And it'll spit back really quickly. No, you're unique. It's novel.

I can't find anything else out there in the world's literature that is on the

same track that you're on. And I think it would help people in the five following ways.

So this artificial intelligence is very helpful to me in that context.

But what I've learned with messing around with ChatGPT is that it's only as

good as the information that I give it.

In other words, I can say something completely ridiculous, and I've tested it.

I can say, I think squids are related to oranges in the following way. What do you think?

And it will pretty reliably tell me that I'm right. It'll write 20 points on

why squids and oranges are related, and that's very interesting,

but it's completely ridiculous.

I can make something up, and I can make the computer give me a compelling argument

to help me convince somebody that squids and oranges are related to one another. Of course they're not.

So my point is, this is why you shouldn't be concerned about artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence can never exceed the intelligence or the capabilities

of the programmer. The person who wrote the program ultimately decides the capabilities of the system.

And if you're using an artificial intelligence to help you in some way,

you have to remain vigilant and remember that the information is only as good

as the information you give it.

And you always have this overriding, discerning responsibility to make sure

that the information you give, that you get from it is valid and the information

you give to it is valid so that you get good answers that you can use.

This is why there are so many nonsense books out there already, by the way.

If you go to Amazon and type in my book, Hope is the First Dose,

there's about 20 workbooks available.

I feel bad. There's been a lot of people write in and say, hey,

I bought this workbook and it's really weird. It doesn't quite make sense.

Is none of those are authorized.

None of those were written by me and none of those are real.

None of them were put out by the publisher, Penguin Random House.

What they are, and it's happening to every author now.

Somebody has written a program that says as soon as a new book publishes and

it's available on Amazon, I want AI to scan it and write a workbook or a guide

to it and put it on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and make it available.

And it looked like it's a real workbook. And it's a total scam,

but there's no way to control it. The authors or pseudonyms are made up.

Amazon doesn't have any sort of oversight of who publishes on their digital publishing platform.

And so you literally have millions of books now that are generated by artificial

intelligence that aren't coherent, aren't helpful, aren't accurate,

aren't authorized by the authors, and they're just nonsense.

So you have to be discerning. Like if you go to Amazon and you see that my book

was published by Penguin Random House and has my name on it,

and then you see that there's 20 workbooks that are all written by Susie Smith

or Sally Jones or Bob Smith or Bob Anderson.

And you look through the previews of some of them and they don't seem to have

anything to do with what my book is about, that's not an official workbook.

It's not an official guide.

So don't spend your money and don't waste your money and your time on it.

It's artificial intelligence that somebody used to generate this workbook that

didn't actually write it.

They just used a computer program to generate it quickly.

So my point is this, artificial intelligence isn't gonna barge into your home

and ruin your life, But it can be a very useful tool.

So your job then is to discern when the computer is telling you something that's

true and when the computer is telling you something that's false and not make

decisions based on false information.

Why am I blathering about that?

Eight minutes into this podcast today on Frontal Lobe Friday, why is Dr.

Warren talking about this? Well, I want to submit to you what I think is my

emerging theory of human consciousness, okay? Okay.

We talk a lot about consciousness and neuroscience and imaging and all that stuff on this podcast.

We talk about faith and science and doubt and how they smash together.

And we talk about hard things and all of that stuff. But I've just been trying

to drive home the point for months and months and months now.

We've been talking about this idea that what you hear in your head that sounds

like your own voice isn't actually your own thoughts.

There's two things that happen that you think are thoughts and I think are thoughts.

You have thousands and thousands and thousands, tens of thousands of automatic

thoughts, as Daniel Amon calls them, every day.

They pop into your head, and they sound like you. And oftentimes,

especially if you've been through something hard, oftentimes they are accusatory

or negative or hopeless.

And they sound like, you know what? You're never going to feel better than this.

Whatever happened is you're broken. You really messed up this time.

They're not going to love you anymore.

That tumor is going to come back. This chemotherapy is not going to work.

The economy is broken and you're going to be busted and you're going to end up alone.

Those are the kinds of things that you hear. And if you're not careful to discern

whether those are real thoughts or just programs that your brain is putting up,

then you will begin to react to those thoughts and you will make synapses around

them and you will automate them and make them easier to happen next time.

And before long, you'll think that's the truth of your life.

Just like if I put into chat GPT to write me an essay about how squids and oranges are the same thing.

And you'll begin to believe that's true. You'll begin to hear this voice in

your head, and you'll think it's really you.

Or sometimes you'll even think it's God directing you. But here's the truth. Here's the truth.

God won't accuse you and shame you. The Holy Spirit doesn't ever say,

you're worthless. You're a loser.

You're never going to be okay. The Holy Spirit says, I died for you.

I've redeemed you. I've set you free. I have forgiven you.

Your sins are as far as the east is from the west. I've washed you white as snow.

You're overwhelmingly a conqueror.

You can do all things through me who gives you strength. That's the kinds of

things that you hear from the Holy Spirit. Yes, it'll say, you know what?

That wasn't your best move. You ought not to do that.

This is going to hurt you. You should let that go.

You should feel, you should repent of that. You should apologize to that person.

Those are the kinds of messages you get.

Convicting, improving, helping, bettering, not shaming.

And so when you hear negative thoughts that are accusatory, that are harsh,

that are blaming, that are hopeless, that's never from God.

And it's usually not your own thoughts. So when I say there's two things that

sound like thoughts, this is what I want you to get.

One thing is you have actual thoughts that come from your mind that are real.

I'm going to choose to do this. I'm going to eat this bagel or I'm going to

drink that kale smoothie that my wife made. Which one's a better choice?

And your mind will say, hey, you really ought to eat healthier.

That's going to be better for you than that whatever candy bar.

Are, you're going to hear thoughts that are true, that are really from your

mind, and you can decide and use your free will to decide what you're going to do, okay?

Then you'll have things that sound like thoughts, and I just want to,

my emerging theory of consciousness, I'm going to write a book about this someday, super nerdy book,

is that my emerging theory of human consciousness is that your mind and your

brain obviously are not the same thing.

They're two distinct things, but the voice in your head sometimes is your mind

generating real thoughts.

And in the Christian context, that's connected to the Holy Spirit.

And you have this guide, this helper, this attending physician,

this great physician who helps you make better decisions.

That's how I think our minds are connected to God and how our minds can then

be used to exert top-down control over brain, okay?

But the other part of it is you have what sounds like thoughts that are really

just programs that come from brain.

And if you really want to distill down what your brain is,

besides the organ that automates heartbeat and has executive control over your

physiology and all those things,

but what What brain is really is a complex computer

that is designed to constantly assess

your environment for threats or opportunities to

go back in the past and find memories that remind it of similar circumstances

in the past and what you felt it needed to do or did do in that context before

so that your brain basically searches the environment for clues about what's

happening that happens faster than you can process it cognitively.

You have all kinds of signals from the environment.

Some of them are electric. Some of them are light-based. Some of them are physical

that you can touch and feel.

And all that information gets into brain long before you can be consciously aware of it.

And you have signals that come in. This is the kind of thing you feel when the

hair starts to stand up on the back of your neck, but you haven't seen anything

yet. You're just sensing that there's something out there.

This is the kind of stuff that happens when somebody with a grumpy face comes

into the room and your body starts to change and tell you that something's wrong.

Before you're aware of what's actually happening, okay? That's the information

that you get from the environment that brain starts to process things before

you can actually think about them, okay?

Then what brain does is brain pulls in from hippocampus memory of previous experiences

that sort of reminded of this.

You hear a sound in the middle of the night. Your brain says,

hey, last time I heard that, there was an axe murderer that broke into my house and tried to kill me.

And so you immediately begin to be afraid that the sound that you heard was that thing.

And you start to react as if there's an axe murderer in your house,

even though it's just the wind on the roof that you may find out later.

Okay. So brain then assesses the environment, recalls past memory,

attaches the emotional state of a previous experience if it thinks that's what's

happening, and presents that to your mind as a thought. It's what you think is a thought.

Hey, I'm in danger here. Hey, there's trouble brewing.

Hey, I need to be sad. Hey, I'm always anxious when this happens.

And so what happens then is your mind will give consent to that thought and

allow the brain then to go back down and run with that ball and work out the

play that it runs when it thinks it's in that situation.

But it asks your mind for consent first because your mind is in charge.

Okay? So what happens then is we've been taught, our media, our schools,

even neuroscientists, I mean,

up until the early 2000s, we were all taught this. Brain is in control.

Mind is an epiphenomenon of brain. You don't really have a free will.

You don't really have your own thoughts. Your brain's just generating these things.

They're directly created by neuronal processes that happen in your brain.

And so what you think or your thoughts are really just neuron programs that are running.

And what you're taught then is for a long time, even if you don't really acknowledge

or think about this kind of stuff, you've been taught that your brain is always

true and what you feel is always right.

And when you think something, it's okay.

You're supposed to run with it because your brain wouldn't lie to you.

It's your brain after all.

And so what happens then, you have to remember one of the Ten Commandments,

what you're doing, you're getting better at.

So if you spent your lifetime giving automatic consent to the things that pop

into your head and running with them,

you need to worry about this, you need to stress about that,

you need to be mad at that person, you need to send a text message,

you need to drink something so you don't feel this, you need to do this or do

that or think this or feel that, and you've given consent to it,

then you're getting better and better and better at letting that program run

without you exerting control over it.

Okay and that my friend is what

romans 12 is talking about in the bible

when it says don't conform to the

world to the pattern of this world but rather be transformed by the renewing

of your mind so what we've done and i say we meaning all of us do this in many

different ways and most of the time what we've done is conformed to the idea

that if a thought pops into our head we need to react to it.

And I'm just here to tell you, that's artificial intelligence.

That's us acting on bad information. Because the truth is, you will hear thousands

and thousands and thousands of these automated messages every day,

and most of them are not true.

You will feel thousands and thousands and thousands of chemical signals every

day, and most of them do not reflect something that's actually happening that you need to respond to.

So here's the thing. I believe that we are running a computer program in our

brains that is a fraction of the capability of the power and function of the

mind that God has given us that we could be operating out of.

I have out in our shop, we have a video game. I love 80s video games,

particularly Ms. Pac-Man in a game called Galaga.

We used to walk to the gas station with a bunch of quarters in our pocket and

play arcade games. I grew up in a small town.

There was nothing to do except work and go to school and goof around.

But the gas station across the street from our high school in about 1984 or

1985 when I was a sophomore or junior in high school.

Bought a Galaga game. And you could walk over to the gas station.

A bunch of us kids would go over there and take turns and put a quarter in the

machine and play this game called Galaga, where you shoot spaceships and bees

and all these flying aliens. And it was fantastic.

And so a few years ago for my birthday, Lisa bought me this arcade game,

just like the ones that used to be in the arcade, except it's got something

like 5,000 different games in it.

The computers back then, And those video games were such small little programs

that they were really tiny in terms of memory.

And by modern standards, they were tiny little computers.

And so nowadays with the modern microprocessor, you can literally put thousands

and thousands and thousands of those games on a single chip.

And you can build a cabinet around it and put all the different kinds of buttons

and controls and track wheels and joysticks and all that.

And you can play just about any video game that was ever made back in those

days. And so I can power that machine up and I can go through a menu and select Galaga or Ms.

Pac-Man or Asteroids or Missile Command or any of those games,

and I can play them on this computer.

So I've got in my shop this set of Atari video games, these fantastic old 80s games.

But the truth is, that computer is very weak and not sophisticated by today's standards.

And I'm just here to tell you, my friend, that you've got the world's most advanced

supercomputer in between your ears. And it's not your brain.

It's your mind. Your brain is way more advanced and way more intricately designed

than any computer that man has ever made.

I saw recently a picture of Google's quantum computer that they've developed.

It's something like 2 billion times more powerful than the computer that's sitting

on my desk, Which is the most advanced version of Macintosh Studio Computer ever made?

I've got the fastest and most recent Mac Studio.

My paid subscribers helped me buy this so that we could bring you this podcast every day.

But my Mac Studio Computer is a billionth, two billionth as powerful as the

Google Quantum Computer.

But the Google Quantum Computer is just a fraction.

I'm talking about orders of magnitude weaker than the power of the computer

of your brain, but your mind is infinitely more powerful than your brain.

Your mind almost instantly can connect to the creator of the universe,

to the world, the infinitely large world of the universe.

Your mind has creative power to influence and control things across vast distances

and influence other people through prayer and through prayer.

What we now know as quantum entanglement, faster than the speed of light,

your mind is the most advanced computer ever designed and ever created.

Now, whether you believe in God or not, okay, that statement I just made is

well validated from quantum physics and 21st century neuroscience and functional imaging.

Your mind has unbelievable executive control over your brain and even physiological

influence over other people's bodies from remote distances, okay?

That sounds crazy, but quantum entanglement and heart math have proven it.

It's unquestionable now that you have a creative role to play in the world around

you and the lives of other people.

And so why do I say that? We're coming up on half an hour, and I'm going to

break this into two parts, and we'll talk some more on self-brain surgery Saturday, tomorrow.

And then we're going back to a disciplined kind of weekly or maybe twice a week

episode schedule after this.

But I've got to give you this information because I don't want you worried about

artificial intelligence from the outside,

but I also don't want you living under the influence of artificial intelligence

presented to you by your brain and by the hurts and dramas and traumas and disappointments

of your life that have created responses that you don't have to live anymore.

Your mind has top-down executive control over your brain. You can learn a different response.

Trauma is not what happened to you. Trauma is your response to what happened to you.

And I'm here to tell you, my friend, that you can engage the gift of selective

attention and you can decide what you're going to think about,

how you're going to think about it, the perspective from which you choose to

think about those things and interact with them.

And you can change your mind and you can change your life. I'm going to give

you some scripture. Now, remember, if you're not a believer, just remember this.

If my premise as a scientist is this, in fact, Seth Godin, who's a marketing

guy that wrote something beautiful this week in his newsletter,

I get an email from him every day, and it's about marketing and shipping creative ideas and all of that.

But this is the best description of science I've ever heard some layperson say.

He said this, the enterprise of rational thought is based on theories,

tests, and improvements. We can never be certain.

All we have is the best available explanation.

So get that, the enterprise of rational thought.

How could you better describe science than that? Science is a process.

It's a set of tools by which you investigate the world.

It's the enterprise of rational thought. and

it's based on theories tests and improvements you make

a theory of here here's how this thing might work and

then you test it and if the tests don't validate the theory you alter the theory

and then you retest until you finally arrive at a theory that seems to be validated

by the evidence and then you start thinking it might be really true and that's

when you create what we call scientific laws well i'm just telling you if you've

been living your life under the theory.

That this is how something works, and that thing is not working,

it's not producing you becoming healthier and feeling better and being happier.

If you keep trying the same thing, you got to remember what got you here won't get you there.

You got to change your approach at some point, okay?

You got to change your approach at some point. And so regardless of your belief system,

if I present to you a tool, an approach,

a workflow, a type of self-brain surgery, and you you try it,

and you get better results than you've had from your previous approach,

your worldview, your belief system, your ideas,

then maybe, as a good scientist, you should start evaluating whether it's time

to upgrade or change your underlying set of beliefs and principles that you

brought to that set of experiments and tests. Does that make sense?

So, let's go back then. Let me give you some scripture, because again,

whether you believe this is inspired by God or not, I want you to hear these

words and recognize that there may be some value in them.

1 Corinthians 2, starting in verse 13, talks about the difference between a

person who lives their life from a purely physical, materialist world standpoint.

Or somebody who lives their life as if they're connected to God or the Holy

Spirit, or somebody outside of themselves who's giving them guidance and advice

from a spiritual standpoint. point. So listen to this.

The difference in these two mindsets, 1 Corinthians 2, starting in verse 13,

and we are setting these truths forth in words not taught by human wisdom,

but taught by the Holy Spirit, combining and interpreting spiritual truths with

spiritual language. This is the Amplified version.

So they put some words in here to amplify the text and help you understand really what's being said.

You can read it in any translation you want, but this is the Amplified.

Okay. We are setting these truths forth in words not taught by human wisdom,

spiritual language to those who possess the Holy Spirit.

Meaningless nonsense to him. Right. He is incapable of knowing them,

of progressively recognizing, understanding, and becoming better acquainted

with them because they are spiritually discerned and estimated and appreciated.

What's he saying? He's saying when you let the Holy Spirit influence your thinking,

you start to be able to think about things from a different way than you ever

could before because you've changed your approach. Right?

Go to verse 15. But the spiritual man tries all things.

He examines, investigates, inquires into questions and discerns.

Doesn't that sound pretty scientific?

He's saying the material man, the non-spiritual man, is stuck with his worldview.

He can't accept any evidence outside of it. He can't even think about such things.

Now, recognize that we've been talking on this show a lot, that for the last

400 years, we've had what we call classical physics. and quantum physics came

along and blew that whole thing up.

And a lot of people just can't accept it. They cannot accept the idea that their

science was wrong, that their math was wrong. We're seeing the same thing in evolutionary biology.

They had this premise that everything came from nothing and everything evolved

out of one species turning into another one slowly over time.

And after the molecular genetics came about in the 50s, that worldview becomes

progressively harder and harder and harder to defend scientifically,

but people simply cannot accept that they might've been wrong about that.

Even though the science now says it's less and less likely that it's possible

that you evolved from a species that was lower than you.

The science says now that's probably not true.

And the worldview that people are stuck with can't accept that.

Well, the Bible's telling you why right here. It's not scientific.

The Bible says the spiritual worldview is scientific.

Let me read you 15 again. The spiritual man tries all things.

He examines, investigates, inquires into questions, and discerns all things.

And I would say he even discerns and questions and tries the thoughts that pops into their heads.

Friends, he goes on to say, Yet is himself to be put on trial and judged by no one.

He can read the meaning of everything, but no one can properly discern or appraise

or get an insight into him.

Do you see that? If you're a spiritual person and you're discerning and you're

connected to the Holy Spirit and you're trying and testing and listening to

and thinking about your thinking and paying attention to the thoughts and feelings

that pop into your head, other people can't understand that.

And this is the people that cannot understand how you can go through something devastating.

Your husband can die of glioblastoma. Your wife can leave you.

You can find out that your father was living a double life.

You can find out that you remember that something horrible happened to you when you were nine years old.

And you have a set of tools to respond to that and hold on to your faith and

maintain your purpose and joy anyway.

And you can live a life of abundance and peace in the midst of all these hard

things. And the world comes along and says, how in the world can you do that?

Like when I go through something hard, when my parents are hard on me,

it wrecks my life and I'm in therapy for the next 30 years.

How can you tolerate losing your son like that and still be a hopeful,

happy person? The Bible says it plainly here.

If you're coming at your life from a materialistic point of view,

you can't understand somebody who seems to have a connection to something better than that.

And once you start opening your mind to the idea that there might be another

worldview, view, another process happening, then you can start to accept the

idea that change is possible.

Now, go down to 15 again. I'm sorry, 16. For who has known or understood the

mind, the counsels and purposes of the Lord so as to guide and instruct him

and give him knowledge, but we have the mind of Christ, the Messiah.

And do hold the thoughts, feelings, and purposes of his heart.

Here's the contrast, my friend.

I think we've been running Atari programs.

We've been running 1980s video game programs and thinking that that was the

computer we had to deal with for our lives.

When we really have a Google quantum computer that we could be using.

It'd be like if I'm using my Mac Studio computer on my desk here,

but I put a thumb drive in it and all I used it for was to play that little 80s video game.

I'm using an infinitely tiny amount of the power available to that computer,

available to me because of that computer that I possess.

And it would be ridiculous for me to have this $5,000 computer and play a $12

program on it all the time and not use it for any other purpose.

That would be ridiculous.

And he's saying here, Paul's saying in 1 Corinthians 2, that you're living like

you don't have the mind of Christ, but you actually do have the mind of Christ.

You're letting your heart mislead you. You're letting your mind,

your brain mislead you into thinking you don't have power.

You don't have tools. You don't have resources.

But let me remind you that Jeremiah 17, 9 says the heart.

And remember, in the Old Testament, God hadn't yet revealed to people what the

difference or what the connection between heart and mind were.

They're the same thing. So when the Bible says heart, you can substitute mind.

It's the same thing. Jeremiah 17, 9 says, The heart is deceitful above all things

and desperately sick. Who can understand it?

That's the punchline for today, my friend. You have an artificial intelligence.

You have a brain that presents ideas to your mind in your own voice that sound

like thoughts, but they are often wrong.

They are often deceptive. They are often false. They are often accusatory.

They are programs that you don't have to run because you're in charge.

You have to give consent to those programs. And that's what 2 Corinthians 10.5 is about.

Take every thought captive. You can biopsy your thoughts.

If you do what Daniel Amen says and learn to think about your thinking,

then you can start to take control of that artificial intelligence and use it

for your good and not your harm. Jeffrey Schwartz said in his book, You Are Not Your Brain,

Deceptive brain messages have intruded into your psyche and taken over your

life, left to its own devices.

Your brain can cause you to believe things that are not true and to act in any

number of self-destructive ways.

That's what I think working out our salvation is supposed to be.

Philippians 2.12 says, work out your own salvation with fear and tribulation.

You have a truth in your heart, and you've got to work it out. What does that mean?

It means learning to listen to your brain, learning to interrupt those thought

processes, learning to believe what God said instead of what your life is telling

you, learning to have hope instead of despair,

learning that you really can go through hard things, And it's true that adversity

develops character and character produces hope.

You really can learn how to rejoice even in the midst of suffering because you

recognize that you can be refined by it instead of defined by it.

You really can stand up under incredibly difficult circumstances and still have

joy in your life because you can change your mind. You don't have to conform anymore.

You can be transformed. transformed and guess what

romans 12 says that's an essential act of

worship it says don't be conformed anymore to

the patterns of this world but rather be transformed by the renewing of your

mind and that is how you can test and approve what is god's good pleasing and

perfect will remember the verse before in first corinthians said that the spiritual

person tests and questions and and discerns, and looks at,

and pays attention to the thoughts and behaviors before it enacts them.

Because it has the mind of Christ. Because you have the ability to do that.

And Romans 12 says this beautiful thing.

Don't be conformed, be transformed. That's how you test and approve.

That's how you bring a good scientific approach to your life, friend.

And then what does he say in verse 3? That's the essential act of worship.

You want to know what God wants of you?

He wants you to question and test the things that pop into your head.

He wants you to take them captive because that's how you can transform your life.

That's how you can have abundance in the midst of the steal,

kill, and destroy that the enemy brings to you. That's how you can handle the bad news.

That's how you can hold out hope to somebody else around you because you learn

to test the messages that your brain presents to you.

And that, my friend, is self-brain surgery.

That's the idea. it. You are in control. You have a supercomputer.

You're not a victim of programs being run. You're in charge of them. You're not the patient.

You're the surgeon. You're not the computer.

You're the programmer.

That's powerful. It's devastatingly important.

It's the thing that's wrong with the world is we're all listening to these horribly

deceptive, desperately wicked ideas that pop into our head, and we don't think

that they might be false.

This requires a discipline. As Daniel Lehman again says, think about your thinking

because you are a self-brain surgeon.

So I want you to stop thinking the computer is operating you,

and I want you to start operating it.

I don't want you to worry about artificial intelligence, but I also don't want

you to be suffering under it because what you're doing, you're getting better at.

Let's declare the 10 commandments of self-brain surgery together.

I must relentlessly refuse to participate in my own demise.

Say it with me. I must relentlessly refuse to participate in my own demise.

I must believe that feelings are not facts. They are chemical events in my brain.

I must believe that most of my automatic thoughts are untrue.

I must believe that my brain is designed to heal. I must love tomorrow more

than I hate what I feel right now. I must stop making an operation out of everything.

I must not perpetuate generational thought or behavioral issues in my family or start any new ones.

I must love my brain and live in such a way as to improve it.

I must believe that I'm getting better at what I'm doing.

Listen, my friend, you are not a victim of artificial intelligence,

and you don't have have to live like every thought that pops into your head

is true. You can learn to discern.

You can learn to biopsy. You can learn to test and inquire and think about your

thinking and change it and respond to the things that need to be responded to

from an empowered perspective,

no matter what has happened in your life, no matter what you've been through,

no matter how broken you may feel, you can change your mind in real time.

You can change your brain and you can change your life. You can help others

with your interactions with their electromagnetic fields, and their lives and

their generations rather than hurt them.

You're free to choose how you think, what you think about, and how you respond

to the challenges, hurts, and opportunities and issues that you face in your life.

But you must learn to operate your mind and your brain in the way they were

designed to continually help you stand up to the steal and kill and destroy

and instead live in the abundance.

You're free to choose how you think.

You're free to choose what you think about, and you're free to choose how you

respond to the challenges, hurts, opportunities, and issues you face in your life.

You're free to use your nervous system for you instead of against you.

You're free to change your mind and change your life.

And the good news is here on Frontal Lobe Friday, you can start today.


Hey, thanks for listening. The Dr. Lee Warren Podcast is brought to you by my

brand new book, Hope is the First Dose.

It's a treatment plan for recovering from trauma, tragedy, and other massive things.

It's available everywhere books are sold. And I narrated the audio books.

Hey, the theme music for the show is Get Up by my friend Tommy Walker,

available for free at TommyWalkerMinistries.org.

They are supplying worship resources for worshipers all over the world to worship

the Most High God. And if you're interested in learning more,

check out TommyWalkerMinistries.org.

If you need prayer, go to the prayer wall at WLeeWarrenMD.com slash prayer,

WLeeWarrenMD.com slash prayer.

And go to my website and sign up for the newsletter, Self-Brain Surgery,

every Sunday since 2014, helping people in all 50 states and 60-plus countries

around the world. I'm Dr.

Lee Warren, and I'll talk to you soon. Remember, friend, you can't change your

life until you change your mind. And the good news is you can start today.


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